PAPERMAKING IN BALTIMORE COUNTY, 1775-1850 by Carlton Seitz; introduction by John McGrain; frontispiece engraved by Wesley Bates printed from the block; paper made by Velke Losiny with a replica of the 1780 water mark of John Hoffman founder of the first paper mills along the Gunpowder Falls.

Opening page printed on Losin paper, set in Cloister O.S. with Ratdolt Titling both cast by the Dale Guild and a 120 pt. ATF Goudy Cloister initial.

The Table of Contents was completed in June 2021 and gives you a good idea as to the scope of this book. Carlton Seitz isa descendant of William Hoffman, the first miller. All known water marks will be shown at full size from copper blocks. The Ream wrapper (below) is inspired by the wrappers made in New England in mid-19th c. Printed on a Pratt table top Albion.

Seeking subscribers through Christmas of 2021 with $100 deposit.
$775 for linen, $990 for leather

​DUTCH TYPES is a series of essays commissioned for this book exploring the relationship of 17th century Dutch type engravers and what was ultimately used by the Oxford University Press and the Merrymount Press to print The Book of Common Prayer. The paper was made by Twin Rocker Paper Mill. The publication contains broadsides printed with specially cast types, and facsimiles printed on Mohawk Superfine wove or Cranes 18th c. laid Linen, depending upon the original paper. The binding is available in linen or full leather. Facsimiles will be sent in a tube.
Copies available from the printer.
$425 for linen, $635 for leather.

Linocut done by Chris Manson printed in two colors.

The breadth of this publication took six years to compile the essays, gather the paper and the illustrative cuts, and of course, to do the printing. The early Baroque types of the Fell varieties and the Kis (Janson: Stemple) founts made for remarkably effective liturgical printing. Below is a picture of the non-book sheets laid out in the dining room.

William Morris' short essay THE STORY OF THE UNKNOWN CHURCH: the most elaborate production of the Press to date. Introduction by Theo Rehak, Morris scholar. Set in Cloister O.S.; frontispiece and tissue overlay engraved by Simon Brett and printed from the blocks; title page lettered by Sheila Waters and printed from a copper block. Historiated initial also engraved by Brett and modified in copper for cover stamping, printed in black with gold leaf touches throughout; Twinrocker paper; boards covered in half leather and Morris pattern paper; limited edition printed on vellum and bound in loose vellum. Slip cased.
Copies available from the printer.
$500 in paper, $800 in vellum

Calligraphic titling executed by Sheila Waters and printed from a copper plate. Frontispiece of the knights on horseback in a cathedral have their pennants flying to match the tares of wheat printed on tissue paper in three colours. Both blocks and the rose on the title page, printed in red and gold, were engraved by Simon Brett. The most sumptuous book of the Hill Press.

Opening page with historiated initial engraved by Simon Brett. This was modified by Brett into a copper block for the binding.

$325 paper with linen, $775 on vellum bound in vellum; Apple tree linoleum block cut by Chris Manson; apples hand painted by S. Heaver; text types are Goudy Modern specially cast by Jim Walzak on narrow bodies; music notes designed by the printer and engraved by Theo Rehak.

set throughout in Fry Baskerville, the 'house face' of this Press; Goudy Cloister Initials introduce each collect, printed in blue. Chi Rho designed by S. Heaver

NINE SHORT ESSAYS $210 in linen, $380 in leather;
bound by Campbell-Logan; my favourite English and American essays;
engravings by Gaylord Schanilec. Printed on a Schniedewend Washington press; Title page is set in Radoldt as finished and cast by Theo Rehak: this is its first showing. Text is set in Cloister Old Style 16pt.